I am very proud to share this news. Last Thursday, I won a prestigious competition. I have been awarded Close Up Magician of the Year 2015/16 from the Bristol Society of Magic! This makes it official. For Close Up Magic, I am currently the best magician in Bristol (and surrounding areas).
For any of you who don’t know, Close Up Magic is the term that refers to tricks performed ‘under your nose’. It’s those sleight of hand illusions we see on TV, that we assume must involve camera tricks. But there could be no camera tricks in this competition. The magic was performed in front of a live audience.
The Bristol Society of Magic held their annual close up magic competition at The Vassall Centre. Six of the best magicians, from Bristol and the surrounding areas, entertained a packed room of other magicians and invited ‘non-magical’ guests.
Each of the six contestants performed a few of their very best magical effects. The judges consisted of two non-magicians and one visiting magician from another magic society. They were asked to award marks on entertainment and presentation, technical ability, and appearance. At the end of the six performances, the judges went away to add up their scores. When they returned, I was awarded the first place prize!

Damian receiving his “Bristol Close Up Magician of the Year” trophy from club president Mike Hosker
The Best Magician in Bristol
The competition was tough. There are some excellent magicians in the Bristol Society of Magic. I know that my magic is strong, but it’s strange to compete against other people. Especially when they are good friends. I did the best performance that I could, and was then in the hands of the judges. I am over the moon that they chose me as the winner!
I’m going to need a bigger trophy cabinet!
Back in March, I also won Magician of the Year 2015 from the Bath Circle of Magicians. The last time anyone won this magical double was in 2011. Before that, I can’t find any record of it having been done. I would have been happy to win either of the awards. Winning both of them is just fantastic!

Damian with awards from both the Bristol Society of Magic, and the Bath Circle of Magicians